Yoshe Friedman (Bodybuilder & Personal Trainer)

So who are you? 
     I'm Yoshe Friedman and I'm a semi-professional bodybuilder and personal trainer.

How long have you been bodybuilding and personal training?
     I've started competing in bodybuilding competitions when I was 15, so about 10 years now, but I'm kind of taking a break and concentrating on chiropractic school and helping others achieve their body goals. 

What’s your relationship with technology as a bodybuilder and personal trainer? 
     Well, social media has really allowed me to build my clientele as a personal trainer, and I use it on occasion to keep in contact with my customers. I find in the personal training world that I am my own product. If people can't see me or the effort I put into training it's difficult for them to build that initial trust with me as a trainer. As a bodybuilder, it's a tool I use to network and talk with other people in the community. I've made a lot of great business and personal connections because of social media. It's also helped me in getting some sponsorships. I'm not making crazy money or anything because of them, but I do get some perks like free supplements and a few other things. 

What are some of the positive and negative things that have come along with the digital age pertaining to bodybuilding and personal training?
     The biggest negative is definitely all the creepy messages I get. The bodybuilding world has some of the weirdest fans and they definitely fetishize it. I've had people ask me to sell them underwear I've worn and it makes me uncomfortable. Overall though I believe that social media has had a mostly positive effect on the community. It's personally helped to keep me more accountable on my own regiments. If I start slacking and don't look the way I need to be looking like it hurts my image as a bodybuilder and a personal trainer. 
Anything you’d like to change or see happen with technology and bodybuilding, or personal training? 
     Not really. The overall trend seems to be that people are starting to realize body positivity isn't just about how you look, but how you feel as well, and to me, that's the most important part of it all. I don't do this because of other people. I like doing these things because they make me feel comfortable. Of course, it'd be nice if we could get rid of all of the trolls and creeps, but until then I'll just ignore them. 

And finally, any plugs you want to make?
Sure, you can follow me on instagram @yoshe_rise. 


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