Brian Six (Stand-up Comedian)

So who are you? 
     My government name is Brian Six, but those who know me call me Beezer. I'm a stand-up comedian, amateur-falconer, and Delco legend. 

How long have you been doing stand-up?
     Fuck. Probably too long (laughs). I want to say it's been about 7 serious years that I've been gracing the stages of the greater North-East area. 

What’s your relationship with technology as a stand-up comedian? 
     It has for sure evolved over time. You can't just be funny on stage anymore. You also have to be funny on your social media account and it can be difficult because the two are completely different mediums and don't always translate to each other. However, Twitter can be an amazing tool if used correctly. It's gotten me writing and acting gigs I don't think I would have gotten if it wasn't for social media. While I won't say it's completely impossible to succeed in comedy without social media, it's damn near impossible and I don't think there are many people that take themselves as serious comedians and don't participate in it. 

What are some of the positive and negative things that have come along with the digital age pertaining to comedy? 
     Well, podcasts are a thing now, and that's been a huge source of building a fan base. 20 years ago it would have been pretty difficult to produce your own show, but now anyone with iPhone can create their own show. There are so many new tools that are becoming available every day, and I really believe it's helping comedy grow. Of course, there's a lot of bullshit because of it, but that mainly stays on the local level and is mostly childish drama. There are definitely a few local comedians who have tweeted things that burned bridges with some of the clubs in the area. 

Anything you’d like to change or see happen with technology and comedy? 
     Not exactly with technology and comedy, but I would like to see people stop being crusified for some of the things they post on social media. While I do understand there's some terrible people who tweet some terrible things or get caught on tape saying something they shouldn't people should understand that comedy is a difficult art and is probably one of the most subjective. Sometimes people say things and aren't trying to be insensitive. As a comedian you're constantly riding that line of what's funny and what's innapropriate and that can be really difficult especially when one thing you say could potentially ruin your carrer. 

And finally any plugs you'd like to make?
     Yeah. Come watch me win Phillies Phunniest. I'll be in performing at Helium Comedy Club June 17th at 10pm, so come vote for me and watch me crush my first round competition. Also check out the podcast I do with my friend and fellow comedian Ryan Shaner called Ya F#cked It


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