Tyler Denslow (Musician & Producer)

So who are you? 
     I'm Tyler Denslow and I play drums for a Hardcore band names Malice at the Palace, guitar for a few other projects, and run my own recording studio out of my house. 

How long have you been playing and producing music? 
     I've been playing music ever since I can remember. Probably was a part of my first band around 14 or 15. That's how I got into recording. At first, I was just recording the projects I was a part of, but as I figured things out I started having people reach out to me to record them and now I'm lucky enough to pretty much do it as a full-time job. 

What’s your relationship with technology as a musician and producer? 
     That's a pretty loaded question for someone in my position. I mean technology has really changed the way music is produced. I've been lucky enough to get to record a few things on analog, but digital is so much cheaper, faster, and more efficient for what I'm doing. I started off with just a couple programs, computer, and a couple microphones. I've definitely have grown since then, but I don't think I'd be able to get to where I am now without the access to all of these modern recording tools. I'm a gearhead so I could probably talk your ear off for a couple hours on all the cool things technology has done for the music itself, but I won't bore you. Things like Bandcamp and Soundcloud have also made it a lot easier for anyone to release their music. It's kind of an exciting time to be apart of such a growing community. 

What are some of the positive and negative things that have come along with the digital age pertaining to the music scene?
     Well as a musician I really don't use social media all too often. Someone else in the band usually takes care of the majority of our social media presence. As a producer though it's definitely allowed me to connect with a ton of bands that I actually end up getting to record and work with. So it's had a majorly positive impact on that part. I have tons of people contacting me on Facebook and Instagram all the time. I think I'd probably still be working a regular 9-5 if it wasn't for the doors that social media has opened up for me. 

Anything you’d like to change or see happen with technology and the music scene? 
     Uhhhh....not really. I'm equally excited and scared to see what may happen. It'll be interesting to see the paths taken in the next decade or so. I just hope people don't stop playing realy insturments (laughs). 

And finally, any plugs you want to make?
     I guess you could follow me on Instagram @k.t.o.p and go listen to my band Malice at the Palace pretty much anywhere you find music. 


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